Thursday, June 22, 2006


Sometime i agree, True Love hard to find...
When we had found the true love, we still need to face many problems too...
Love is a thing that easy hurt someone feeling...but when you hanging out with he or she that we like and love...we feel so sweet and thankful, someone is beside us, accompany us and cheer us up when facing the problems, solve the problems together, laugh together when wathcing the funny movie...
HaVe YoU fInD YoUR LovEr Yet?
If you Had found Your lover, i wish you two Love Forever...
someone who haven't found the Lover, wish you can meet them soon...
no matter who were you and what you had done ago, just ForGet it...
remember, just do what you wish and what you want...because the True Love is waiting for you...


Pink Winnie said...

ya.. what u r said is right.. love let people happy n sad sometimes..but i like the feeling when be with loves one, do everything together.. share every moments and problems together.... how nice is it.. zhu ni xin fu..

小偉 said...

ya lo... love is hard to find when u wana find a perfect 1...

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